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환불 가능한 NFT, ERC-721R

- 이더리움 토큰 표준 ERC-721R 발표. 스마트 컨트랙트를 통해서 Trustless Refunds(무신뢰성 환불)이 가능하며, NFT 민팅대금을 일정기간 인출이 불가능하게 하고, NFT 구매자가 환불받을수 있도록 함. Rug Pull을 예방할 수 있어서 기술(코드)을 통해서 도덕적 해이나 사기 행위를 방지하는 기능

- NFT 구매자는 민팅가보다 낮은 시장가격으로 거래되거나, 프로젝트에 대한 판단이 달라졌을 경우에 환불기능을 사용할 것으로 예상된다. 또한, 높은 정보비대칭을 가진 NFT 발행시장(프로젝트 시장)에서 구매자에게 더 많은 사전정보를 제공하고 프로젝트에 대한 신뢰를 높이려고 할 것으로 보임 



uint256 public constant refundPeriod = 45 days;
uint256 public refundEndTime;
address public refundAddress;

constructor() ERC721A("ERC721RExample", "ERC721R") {
    refundAddress = msg.sender;

function isRefundGuaranteeActive() public view returns (bool) {
    return (block.timestamp <= refundEndTime);

function getRefundGuaranteeEndTime() public view returns (uint256) {
    return refundEndTime;

function refund(uint256[] calldata tokenIds) external {
    require(isRefundGuaranteeActive(), "Refund expired");

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; i++) {
        uint256 tokenId = tokenIds[i];
        require(msg.sender == ownerOf(tokenId), "Not token owner");
        transferFrom(msg.sender, refundAddress, tokenId);

    uint256 refundAmount = tokenIds.length * mintPrice;
    Address.sendValue(payable(msg.sender), refundAmount);

function toggleRefundCountdown() public onlyOwner {
    refundEndTime = block.timestamp + refundPeriod;

function setRefundAddress(address _refundAddress) external onlyOwner {
    refundAddress = _refundAddress;


Scenarios an ERC721R Project

Can’t someone just refund all the non rares they mint and keep all their rares?

Yes, they could. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We actually think it’s great.
There are two scenarios an ERC721R project is expected to face post mint:

1. The floor price is far above the mint price. For example, the mint price was 0.1eth and the floor price is now 0.2eth. There’s no reason to refund as you can sell on secondary markets for a higher price instead.

2. The floor price is around the mint price. For example, a mint price of 0.1eth and a floor price of 0.12eth. In this case it may make sense to refund if you don’t believe in the project. This isn’t a bad thing. If you don’t like the project the intention is that you refund.

Note, the reality so far has been that very few people have refunded. Exodia took 2 months to sell out, and no secondary market trading happened in that time. Despite this, only around 5% of people refunded. Why? People join a project for many more reasons than to flip in two days and move on.

Note also a scenario we didn’t mention that is common for NFT projects: a floor price far below mint price. Many projects mint out and within a week their floor is half the mint price. This is unlikely to happen in ERC721R projects. Instead of dumping non rares and crashing the collection floor price, flippers can return the NFT. This is extremely healthy for the project. Both for buyers and for creators. The market is discovering the correct market cap of the project and signaling that the initial supply of tokens or mint price was too high.

<출처 : https://erc721r.org/>







ERC-721 - 해시넷

ERC-721은 증서라고 알려진 NFT의 표준안이다. NFT는 대체불가토큰(Non Fungible Token)의 약자로 대체 불가능한 토큰이라는 의미이다. 따라서 ERC-721로 발행되는 토큰은 대체 불가능하여 모두 제 각각의




Refunds for NFTs - The New ERC721R Standard

Wouldn't it be cool if you could mint NFTs and get a refund if you didn't like them? We can finally have trustless refunds on minted NFTs with ERC721R! Let's look at this new concept and see how it impacts the NFT space!




GitHub - exo-digital-labs/ERC721R

Contribute to exo-digital-labs/ERC721R development by creating an account on GitHub.





Bringing trustless refunds to NFT mints



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